
Showing posts from 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2E!

It has been a brilliant, busy and fun term with you all and I hope you use this time to rest! I hope you all have a great Christmas, you eat lots of yummy food and have lots of fun with your family and friends. I look forward to seeing you in 2018 and hearing all about it! Merry Christmas and Happy NewYear! From Miss. Everest

The Nativity!

On the last day of term all of Year One and Two peformed two amazing nativity performances. Well done to you all!

When Father Christmas came to visit!

Year Two had a great Christmas party and were even surprised by a special guest! They all played party games, had cakes and brilliant fun!

When the owls came to visit.

Today we had a very exciting day. We had a selection of owls come to visit as part of our literacy topic. The children were all very brave and held and stroked all the owls. Well done 2E!

2E’s War Day.

2E had a great day celebrating War Day and learning all about evacuee's and rationing. Thank you everyone for a great day and for dressing up so brilliantly!  Miss. Everest

The Owl and The Pussy Cat

This week we are looking at Tradition Poems, such as the Owl and the Pussy Cat. The children went into twos and threes and acted out the poems. We had some great speaking and acting ideas. Here is an example of some of the children's work. Miss. Everest

Tiki masks

In art, we are looking at designing and creating tiki masks out of clay. This week we made salt dough shapes and practiced making patterns on them. We all loved doing them and were happy we could take them home to keep. Well done everyone. Miss. Everest

Stories about kindness

In RE this week we have been looking at showing kindness and have acted out our own stories of kindness. Here are some examples of the stories we have created.